Posted by: itioachild | 2009 12 27

D denied access Christmas 2009

D has not been allowed letters, emails, phone calls, physical visits, or communication of any form with his father, family or friends since last May including during this Christmas holiday. The note shown in the banner above is the last I heard from him. It was rolled up in a gift he made. All calls to the house have gone unanswered. There have been zero return calls, not one. All calls to H have gone unanswered since June 11. At that time she said he needed “further treatment” as he was still asking for his dad. This “treatment” extends through Christmas this year. This is not the first time D has been denied access to his father for long periods. Her anger against D stems from the beginning. D’s father is a respected professional and D has a rich relationship with his father .

If the many many comments on this website from the boyfriend indicate anything, it is that he is *engaged* in this activity of denying D access to his father. Rather than letting those comments continue to pile high and deep I will provide focus here: Jay, H, you are invited to submit comments to this post that provide schedules of when D may come to visit his father, times in which D will call or his father may call him, when H is is going to let him exchange email with his father, and how much money H is asking me to send now, about $150,000 right?


  1. I don’t know the exact amount of the judgements. There are multiple judgements … some covering awarded attorney fees awarded in the custody modification, costs associated with the abduction, unpaid child support. I think it is around 150K total. I believe she has offered to put the payment directly into D’s college fund and restrict its use for his college.

  2. D had three more soccer camp lessons this week, each three hours.

    We had a big Christmas celebration with all my extended family at my older brother’s home yesterday. D played with five of my nieces and nephews who are all within one or two years of his age. My older brother has six acres in central Texas, and the kids all ran around in the woods and built a “fort” (they called it) out of things they found out among the trees. I’ve never seen D run around so much before. He had a lot of fun.

    We stayed at my parents house last night, and D showed my father how to use pandora and youtube to hear his favorite music.

  3. D continued work on his science fair project yesterday, working around 5 hours to do frequency analysis plots of the over 90 measurements he had made on various light bulbs and dimmers.

    D also spent about 4 hours riding around on his bike with his friends yesterday afternoon.

    D also finished writing the report from the Christmas concert for his music class this week. We recorded that concert, and so he listened to it again more carefully this time, identifying the different instrument sounds, matching the music to the titles and style, and reading some of the translations ( the vocals are performed in the original languages ).

    D also did illustrations with Corel Painter to go in a multimedia presentation for his language arts class this week. He is very quick at learning to use the computer multimedia tools, and very creative in that respect.

    H enrolled d in a course in the summer where he programmed the graphics and sound for computer games with some game-building tools, and he just immersed himself in that. His games were completely different from those of the other students … very non-violent and whimsical.

    • The post asks when D is going to be allowed to talk to his father, and you are replying saying how good of a replacement father you are. That is sick Jay. See Jay’s testimony (be sure to scroll to the page after the heading) note especially the answer to the question on whether he was to be a father for my son. Having a child held in psychiatric ward because he insists on living with his dad and then talking about money is sick also.

      Jay all you are doing is digging yourself in deeper. When D* realizes that you denied him access to his father, even participating in having him ‘treated’, tried to replace dad with yourself, and even taunted his real father in reply to the question when D* would be able to talk to his father — he is not going to have warm feelings for you. You are not building value or a healthy relationship. Rather you are playing the role of a true to life ‘Count Olaf’ in Lemony Snicket’s “Series of Unfortunate Events” — and D will react the same way to your actions as the children in that story did after they learned the truth.

      If you want D* to respect you in the long run, if you want value in your relationships with him, then you should respect his love for his real father.

      I also know you to be a second rate engineer, a third rate musician, and to have only an engineers practical course understanding of function spaces – so you aren’t doing my son any favors by giving him a second rate education when he could have a first rate one. This continues the pattern of when H took him out of the private school saying she wouldn’t pay “a penny” to help with his education. When she wouldn’t let him practice his violin though he had a string teacher who was accepted in the Boston Symphony – instead you gave him a couple guitar lessons right? And don’t spin this, as you guys know you haven’t been co-operative. I even had to call the police to get the laptop back after D took it with him to H*’s place. Yes, you say he is in violin lessons now, but that is because you made a deal with him right? I know you guys, you asked why he wanted his dad, and then gave him the things he said – voila he doesn’t need his dad now. That is what you did isn’t it!? That is sick Jay.

      You are not playing with computer programs here. We are human beings. The lack of respect for D*’s love for his father, the lack of emotion and feeling in your posts, the delusional spins in answer to every issue, is very scary for me. It is also compatible with what I know of H*’s difficulties in relating to other people, which is a disaster, as you were the most likely person to have guided this in a better direction. Instead you are making it even more contentious. It is as though you think you are sitting in a debugger and can just hack away at the logic until it turns out to be what you want — a son of your own.

      Why don’t you adopt an orphan or participate in foster care? There are many children out there who do not have access to their fathers, who would be delighted to learn guitar chords from you and learn about dimmer switches. You could develop genuine value in a relationship with a child where you are giving opportunities to a child who would otherwise not have had them rather than taking opportunities away from my son and excluding him from access to his own father when he wants misses his father very badly.

      Or is it the case that the pleasure you get from this is in hurting me through D and hurting him in the process, and thus if you had a situation where you could contribute something meaningful you would not be satisfied? A person who would tell a child he had to apologize for lying when he wrote an essay about his mother kicking the dog and talked about it in a heart felt manner for months as he was so upset about it (as you mentioned you or H did in a prior post), may well be in this category. People devoid of the ability to empathize with others can do a great damage while ‘fixing the program’.

      Now I am going to insisted that this thread go back to being about when you or H* are going to let D* contact his father. Otherwise it will get high and deep, and the fact you haven’t answered that question will be lost. Note the ‘high and deep’ and ‘I want you to know you suffer under my thumb’ patterns of social aggression both apply here. These are explained on the manipulation page along with other examples.

      • I thought you’d want to know what your son is doing. I’ll not provide any updates again.

        The rules for you contacting D are in the court order. You don’t need me to read it for you.

        itioachild > Still hacking at the logic. Count Olaf, what I want is to hear from my son. The court never gave H* anything she didn’t ask for, and ask for while lying, manipulating, and paying a lot of money.

      • I see you are afraid to have your readers know the facts. You censure the many true accounts that I have posted here and continue to post the same old lies. This is just your private hate site.

        itioachild> Jay, I see you are saying the child support while I have not been working, largely due to your accussations, is ‘almost 20k’. .. so you guys went and raised it? That proves intentions. Also, your and H’s combined income is over 200k a year right? As far as ‘censure’ I’ve already put your many deranged comments of Abduction! on the site. The topic of this thread is when D is going to be allowed by you and H* to contact his father and father’s family. When?

  4. Mom was crying on the phone again. H* did not sign for the Christmas card she sent to D* two weeks prior to Christmas. It has been returned.

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