Posted by: itioachild | 2009 11 12

D* no contact for seven months

In seven months with about 20 calls a month, that is over a hundred unanswered phone calls. It is wearing on me.  Freescale is allowing H* to work at home so that she can prevent D* from answer the phone in the afternoon after school.  D* has been there when the phone rang. It appears that D* is confined to the house and that Freescale has been paying for his professional ‘treatment’ (see  Grandma has stopped calling as it is futile.  She has been sending cards but H* signs for them but there is no indication that D* has received them.   Cousins and friends D* had with his father also can not get near him.  H* has apparently signed up Chilsholm Trail Middle school to help and turn away calls  (see


  1. I keep sending cards to my grandson by certified mail and never hear from him. H signs the receipt, but i never hear if he got the card. I just sent him a Thanksgiving card two week ago and have not heard anything. His dad sent a pizza to him and H in front of D refuse to take the pizza when she found out who had sent it. We love you D and hope someday you will understand we are always trying to see you and talk with you. Grandma Sandy

  2. H If you are reading all this, I wonder what you must think of what you have done to this little guy who loves both his mom and dad. He just wants to live with his dad. I will always keep a eye on what is going on. When he become old enough he will know why his dad had not been able to see him. He will know the injustics that was put to him. Will you be able to live with that? Yes I think you can. A real mother would not put her child in this kind of place and keep him from his father. Even you said that he D had a good father. How do you live with yourself.

  3. I did sent a Thanksgiving card to D and J did sign it, but I do not know if he got to see it. I am now going to send him a Christmas card with money in it. I wrote a note to H and said this card and money is for D I hope you will have the christisan decency to let him have both the card and money. I know I will not get a answer, but again I keep track of every thing I do to let my grandson know he is loved. None of us ever brainwashed this child. We have never said a word about her to her son. The day will come.

  4. H takes D to a psychologist chosen by Tom and her under the supervision of the court. There are no hypnosis or drugs involved in the therapy with the current or previous psychologist. That’s all Tom’s fabrication. The previous psychologist testified in the trial, and it is all public info. No hypnosis at all.

    • Jay thanks for your observations on what you think H is doing. Here is contrary opinion showing what you say to be inaccurate.

      The current psychologist was not chosen by Tom, and even refuses to speak with him. His offices says this is on orders of H. This is hardly a joint practitioner.

      In this sad note D writes that he is not allowed to call his father until he takes the medication. He was being given psychotropics at the time – drugs. So much so his handwriting is affected and he was slurring his voice when he did talk to his father.

      Despite what one psychologist and H has said – H drafted and Wisser’s court awarded an order for H to use all psychological means on D including hypnosis, langauge here . Funny to deny it and then have it ordered. This page presents an affidavit by a respected expert that explains he believes coercive means were being used. There is also a letter on that page explaining that D was afraid of the psychologist. Also, listen to the psychologist speak on the topic of whether D is allowed to have an opinion here — this hardly instills much confidence in this practitioner’s statement.

      On occasion in the past H has told D he has psychological problems when he does not agree with her, and has threatened him that he will be subjected to treatment, as in this example .

      If it is true that H wants an unbiased joint psychologist, she should answer the phone and make arrangements. You seem to know (affect?) so much of what H does, tell us, when is D going to be sent to visit his father?

  5. D did well at his violin recital yesterday. He played “Ode to Joy” and the “Allegro” from Beethoven, accompanied by his teacher. He’s doing very well on the violin.

    Today he is at his best friend’s birthday party. He was at another one last week where they did scaling up a wall. H took pictures. D got all way to the top.

    He’s also been working on his science fair project since Thanksgiving, and is learning a lot on that. We used a scope and a frequency analyzer, and made measurements of the noise of various types of lightbulbs when using three different dimmers.

    • Jay is the boyfriend who testified he would like to be D*’s father and that he would do anything that H asked.

      It is within Jay’s power to let D share these things with his own father directly, so he is not doing a good turn by putting this on the blog, rather he is trying to impress us on how efficiently he has taken over.

      Note that H withdrew D from activities I put him, including violin. Also Science fair was a big deal for us. Hence, this is a taunt of the form “I want you to know you suffer by my hand” .

      I have never once heard Jay say something conciliatory or that he would help D have access to of his both parents. He appears completely dedicated to H’s ‘get dad’ campaign. Sometimes I feel it is as though you can hear him say “yes master”

      But I believe there is hope. Jay, you must realize that helping H try to replace D’s father will not bring you rewards in life. Instead D will grow despise you for the efforts and you will be known as an usurper. If you want D to respect you and H in the long run, then you should respect his relationship with his father. This will make all of you much happier than a ‘get dad’ campaign – especially if that campaign succeeds. Until then your gifts are as black sticky and undesirable as gobs of tar.

      When will D* be talking to his father? When will he be able to share his dreams with his father, express his accomplishments, learn from, and know true paternal love? When? I’m still waiting to hear about that ticket that is going to let him visit weekends and Christmas, or are you going to deny him that also? Why not let him have what he wants, to live with is father? Lausanne is a beautiful city.

      • Well, that was all very colorful writing, but the truth is I posted that info so you would know that D is doing some of activities you wished for him. He also took soccer lessons in the summer, and played in a soccer league in the fall. I’m sure he would like you to come visit, and the rules have been set by the civil court for you to do so, while also giving H the protections she needs to guarantee his return. This is the reality of the direct consequences of the international abduction, which you must accept rather than continuing your nonsense fantasies about H putting him on a plane again at Christmas.

    • Well H, The first violin lesson he had. It was in Davenport and his father set it up. I his grandma took him to the lessons and when it was time to go back to Austin he gave a concert for the family, and you took that away. That summer I and his dad taught him how to ride his scooter. It was the joy of my life. We went to the Park feed the ducks played with other children in the park. We also seen family and cousins. His father spent many hours with him. I also took him to buy clothes because. what he came to us in was so tight it put rings around his waist, Why in Gods name would you take those memory’s away from him. I will never understand what you have done to my grandchild.

  6. H, I wonder why you have not written anything of what your son D is doing. I would think if he is doing all the things that has been said you should be the one talking about it. Not that guy who just lives with you Someone you are not married to.
    It is sad that D father cannot share these moment also. Both of you brought him into this world and he D would love if he could share not only with his mom, but with his dad. I know H in your heart you must have enough to share
    Grandma Sandy

  7. H, I have been reading all the things your boyfriend you live with says, but remember when D love Hockey and you took that away from him. His father put him in all different program with other child and you came behind and took D out. I am wondering why now these things are ok. Why all these pictures that are taken not one has been sent to me his grandmother. I have done nothing wrong except love my grandson and he me. You have my address because I send D card all the time which you sign for. If you love your child don’t do this to him Let him have the love of both of you. enrich his life. Grandma Sandy

  8. D performed in the concert last night with his schoo’s orchestra. He’s in the beginning orchestra, as well as taking private tutoring on the violin. I’m very impressed at the enthusiasm of the new director at his school, and his direct involvement with the beginning students. I would say the beginning students, as a group are doing extremely well, and D is fortunate to be in such a good program. If you have an ftp address, I can upload the video from this and from his recital a couple of weeks ago.

    D also went to a concert of Christmas music performed on early instruments with me on Saturday. He got to talk with all the musicians and ask about their instruments … viele’s, psaltery, viola de gamba, baroque harps and violins and various percussion instruments.

    H took D to a basketball clinic Saturday also. She also has him signed up for art courses during the Christmas break, and in racketball lessons and more soccer league in the spring.

  9. H, I D’s grandmother I refuse to have your live in boyfriend tell us what is going on with my grandchld. In fact I find this very immoral to have this man living in your home while my grandson is living with you. This not showing my grandson good morals to see his mother being with someone she is not married to. Talk about family values. Good God. Did my grandson get his card and money for Christmas? Regardless how you treat me I still wish you a very merry Christmas and safe New Year. I hope you will let go of what ever pain is causing you to do these things. God love you. Grandma Sandy

  10. H, Why is it you will not let D talk with me on the telephone. You are listen to what we are saying. I have never said anything other then I love him and hope he gets doing good in school. What is you problem with that?

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