Posted by: itioachild | 2009 11 29

A comment from H’s boyfriend: ‘abduction!’

I am D’s father. I remind readers that this blog contains opinions. We are fortunate to have a comment on the prior post from H’s boyfriend Jay as it illustrates part of the dynamic affecting D. D has suffered so much, but Jays comment does not help that situation one bit. Jay’s comment is shown below, but first let me provide a couple paragraphs of important context.

Firstly, you should know that in 2007 Jay testified that he would like to replace me as D*’s father. He also said he would do anything H asks him to. here is a link to the relevant part of the transcript. I think key to understanding this situation is also H’s early testimony and H’s manipulative scenarios.

Secondly, D was not abducted. D refused to return after the holidays foiling the original plans, and then H did not answer the telephone – just as H has not answered the phone since June 11. H had D held in a psychiatric ward for three weeks and a staff of psychiatrists could not get him to go with her. After over two months of psychiatric “treatment” when officer Chris Wilson did a wellness check D told the officer he wanted to live with his dad and did so right in front of H. By this time me, my family and our friends, had been nowhere near him for months. There simply is no space for an interpretation that D was not sincere or that he was coerced in his refusing to return, or that H helped resolve the situation rather than using it to advantage.

Jay writes: Tom has a right to visit D on alternate weekends in Georgetown, which H will obey per the custody order. He has no rights to call D on the phone or contact him by email. Tom lost joint custody and his previous visitation rights as a direct consequence of the international abduction. Any of his family who supported Tom’s poor choice to abduct D need to now accept that this is the legal consequence. H is not to blame.

Jay wants you to believe that there was a conspiracy of my family to abduct D and he explains that is why H is not letting D communicate with anyone who has anything to do with dad, including the little girl Monica, his 11 year old friend, his cousins, and grandma. Also, what is H’s excuse for all the other times she prevented him from seeing his father? You the reader should also know there have been other unfounded abduction allegations. He also implies we have been to court over this when we haven’t.

Here is an explanation that makes more sense than ‘brainwashing’ as H claims. 11 old D has enough sense to understand the difference between a loving home with dad and living under the thumb of a manipulative person and a sycophant – and H is using him as a weapon to ‘get’ dad. Note these links, D’s rich relationship with dad, H abuse of D , she can’t love him , D watches as his mother kicks his dog , threatened to convince him to return (summer 2008)

It would be great if I had D every weekend as Jay says here. But why would a person who does not let D communicate with his father via email or telephone for seven months so far, and accuses dad of abducting D on a public blog going so far as suggesting a family conspiracy, suddenly offer weekends? And why in Georgetown which is an hour from Austin when none of us live there? Let me provide an interpretation that makes sense, D will not be there to be picked up for the weekend, but instead I will be given legal service for an ’emergency hearing’ or some other nasty legal trick when trying to pick him up like the other times . Please prove me wrong, Jay if H is serious about letting D see his father, blot out identifying information and put the flight details right here on the blog so everyone can see that D will be seeing his father and when.

I have noticed that H and Jay like to hide behind things H got by going to the court repeatedly for years , but the court never gave H anything she didn’t pay a lot of money, lie, and manipulate to get. Nor would the court deny H if she started asking for things that were in D’s interest, such as more time with his father.



  1. D is doing fine in school. He took violin lessons in the summer, and is playing violin in the school’s beginning orchestra. He played in a soccer league during the fall. He celebrated thanksgiving with my family, and we also all went out to eat the next night with the family of his best friend. H works very hard with D every night on his school lessons. D got eyeglasses for the first time this week.

    No one needs to send pizzas to the house, as he eats more than enough already.

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